Thoughts on Motherhood
I realize that it's pretty cheeky of me to publicly share my comments on motherhood. I, the uninitiated. What good are my opinions on this topic? Because let's be honest, I don't know much about motherhood on a practical level. I've babysat and nannied enough to hope and pray that motherhood is a LOT more rewarding than that, and the general consensus of those I talk to seems to be that it is. I was watching The Hours the other day (How cliche, right? Virginia Woolf? Lesbians? Come on!) and the character named Kitty was very upset that she couldn't conceive. She was going to the doctor to get a surgery done that might help her predicament and her comment to her friend, played by Julianne Moore, was, "I don't think you can call yourself a woman until you're a mother." It's funny because that scene in the movie was set in 1950, but within the church, I don't think that opinion has changed much since then. It seems quite possible to me that...