
Showing posts from October, 2014


A RECENT STUDY  declared that Utah is the worst state in the U.S. for women based on the criteria of health, leadership roles, income and political representation. Radio West did a show discussing this finding with a panel of Utah women. CHECK IT OUT HERE. 

Survey Says...

I've had several people point out to me with concern that my survey was not conducted with adequate academic rigor. I had no intention of ever trying to get this survey published in a peer-reviewed journal of sociology. It was for my own interest and the interest of my readers. The survey has its imperfections and biases, but I found the results fascinating, for whatever they're worth. I primarily got my survey participants from online forums, among them the Facebook Groups 1 Million Mormons Online, the Mormon Channel, and the Official Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Facebook page. I also posted my survey link on Feminist Mormon Housewives' Facebook page, A Thoughtful Faith Support Group, a Facebook group called Temple Talk, the Cougar Board and another BYU sports chat website. I tried to have a somewhat varied sample of so-called TBMs (True Blue Mormons) and those who are more heterodox in their faith. However, I think more of the latter group responded, as y...


CLICK HERE  to participate in my survey about perceptions of gender dynamics among Latter-day Saints.