
Showing posts from 2015

The Motherhood and Porn

These are some thoughts I've been stewing on for a while. Recently in a conversation with a woman of non-feminist persuasion, I was accused of looking down my nose at mothers (presumably, including myself) and devaluing motherhood. I think this is a really important point to clarify, since I feel like it's a common misconception about feminists. I suppose there are some feminists who disdain motherhood. There are some feminists who do/say just about anything. It's a varied group with a spectrum of opinions, but third wave feminism (the feminism of now) is generally characterized by being accepting and supportive of all women's choices, and their right to make those choices. The conversation usually goes like this: "I think women in the church should have institutional power, visibility, and voice." "Men and women will never be the same." "Innate differences aside, I still think women should have equal institutional power, visibility, and vo...

One Feminist's Thoughts on Bruce Jenner

Feminism isn’t some monolithic structure headed by a prophetess who speaks the Feminist Truth. Any human being who believes that men and women are of equal worth and should have equal rights, privileges, and opportunities is a feminist. So you can’t really say, “Feminists all think x,y,z…” with any degree of accuracy unless x,y,z is the above definition. There’s a broad variety of opinions among Feminists on any number of subjects. So you'll get a broad variety of responses on this topic if  you ask various Feminists, but here's my take on it, and sorry, (not sorry) if my RadFem petticoats are showing a tad. Call me what you will. On a personal level, I’m a feminist of the variety that believes that transgenderism is undeniably biologically-based , and an incredibly sad and difficult trial. I have unending empathy for the difficulty of their life and I would never presume to tell them what their experience is or who or what they really are. I don’t believe I have that righ...

Oh, Say What Is Truth

I think one of the major changes in my faith over the last few years has been centered basically in the question of how correct the prophets are. Are prophets correct when my heart, testimony, and conception of God are in conflict with them? Are prophets correct when history shows their actions to be based in prejudice, bias, and other incorrect motivations? My husband’s favorite joke about Mormonism is that the Catholics teach that their Pope is infallible, but none of them believe it and Mormons teach that their prophets are fallible, but none of us believe it. A member of our Presidency recently said in General Conference that LDS leaders have made mistakes and in the same session, another person quoted the, “the leaders of the church will never lead you astray” quote. So there is undeniable ambiguity. The recent essays that have come out of Joseph Smith’s polygamous wives, and race and the Priesthood test this tension. Were prophets right when they took priesthood away fro...

Community of Christ

We are soon moving away from Zion, so we thought it might be our last chance to check out Restoration Movement offshoots such as Community of Christ. I’m always a fan of interfaith experiences and this was one I didn't think I’d be able to get outside of Utah. Obviously, it's also a group that is fascinating to me because of my beliefs on feminist and gender issues in the church. So I thought I’d share my impressions about my experience of worshipping with the Community of Christ. We attended Sunday school first, which was a loosely-led group discussion on the idea of “Shalom,” which is the concept of true peace, the peace that only Christ gives. Shalom comes from living according to a person’s highest standard of integrity to oneself and the truth that they have. It also comes from being at peace with God, community and having positive relationships. It’s intricately bound up with the idea of building Zion. Comments focused on the evils of war and poverty and how we can’t...

Thoughts on General Conference

This is a bit late. I've been busy. This most recent session of General Conference was so inspiring and beautiful to me. Was it perfect? No. Where there awkward moments when the feminist within me squirmed and protested? Absolutely. But the Spirit was also undeniably strong and the Sunday morning session in particular was pleasantly Christ-focused. Oh, President Uchtdorf. What would we do without you? Thank you so much for reminding us all of what it means to be a Christian. Regarding hypocrisy, a thought occurred to me: Usually when we talk about Pharisee-ism and hypocrisy, we envision the most pious, the most observant, those who follow the strictest interpretation of every letter of the law scorning those who don’t sin the way they do. And that is definitely an issue in the church. But I think among the more Spirit-of-the-law centered folks, we can have our own brand of hypocrisy. Now this thought was centered on myself, so I’m not seeking to condemn anyone, but my th...

Temple Prep for Daughters: Brace Yourself

I'm just shamelessly  reblogging thi s from By Common Consent because it speaks so articulately on my feelings about the endowment. Here were some of my highlights: "It’s cold comfort to tell my daughter that God probably isn’t a sexist and these things aren’t really the eternal order of things. If so, how should she feel about the temple? For many women in the church, the temple feels like it is pitted against our self-esteem and our personal feelings of worth. In order to accept the view of women in the temple, we have to sell ourselves short." "Usually women make it work one of three ways: 1) they simply ignore the differences in language and basically don’t listen or they selectively hear only the good things (these women are the most successful at making it work, and I’m not knocking this strategy; it just doesn’t work once you know what’s being said), 2) they assume God’s not sexist and it will all work out in the eternities, or 3) they look at the world a...

Women and Priesthood Quotes

THIS COLLECTION  of quotes about the historical precedence of women using priesthood in ways that are no longer allowed is both eye opening and fascinating.  Some excerpts include:  " Joseph Smith’s private journal reads that he “ gave a lecture on the pries[t]hood shewing [sic] how the Sisters would come in possession of the privileges & blessings & gifts of the priesthood . & that the signs should follow them. such as healing the sick casting out devils”  - Book of the Law of the Lord,  8 April 1842" " The prophet Joseph’s secretary noted that Jane Bicknell Young was also endowed and received  “into the Quorum of the Priesthood.”  - 3 February 1844, Diary of William H. Clayton." "Elizabeth Ann Whitney  (counselor to Emma Smith in the Relief Society Presidency, wife of the Church’s first bishop) received her authority to bless through ordination.  “I was … ordained and set apart under the hand of Joseph Smith the...

The Young Women Values

I loved this conception of the Young Women values. Check out more HERE .