
Showing posts from June, 2015

One Feminist's Thoughts on Bruce Jenner

Feminism isn’t some monolithic structure headed by a prophetess who speaks the Feminist Truth. Any human being who believes that men and women are of equal worth and should have equal rights, privileges, and opportunities is a feminist. So you can’t really say, “Feminists all think x,y,z…” with any degree of accuracy unless x,y,z is the above definition. There’s a broad variety of opinions among Feminists on any number of subjects. So you'll get a broad variety of responses on this topic if  you ask various Feminists, but here's my take on it, and sorry, (not sorry) if my RadFem petticoats are showing a tad. Call me what you will. On a personal level, I’m a feminist of the variety that believes that transgenderism is undeniably biologically-based , and an incredibly sad and difficult trial. I have unending empathy for the difficulty of their life and I would never presume to tell them what their experience is or who or what they really are. I don’t believe I have that righ...