How Pornography Is Destroying the Church
You may be wondering, "What does pornography have to do with feminism in the church? That's a common question, but the answer is: everything! It is a sad truth that pornography is a nearly ubiquitous problem in this church. When I was a student at BYU, I was told that over 90% of the unmarried male students had a problem with pornography to some degree. And we all have personal experiences with friends and family members whose marriages have ended, whose missions have been postponed, whose lives have been altered by this debilitating addiction. But I believe that there are many members of the church who don't really get why this is such a big deal . It's just porn, right? Slap them on the wrist, and they'll stop doing it, right? The truth is, pornography is Satan's last ditch effort to destroy this church, and right now, he's winning. But how does pornography destroy people and why is it so inherently harmful? Pornography is inherently sexist and selfish...