How Pornography Is Destroying the Church

You may be wondering, "What does pornography have to do with feminism in the church? That's a common question, but the answer is: everything! It is a sad truth that pornography is a nearly ubiquitous problem in this church. When I was a student at BYU, I was told that over 90% of the unmarried male students had a problem with pornography to some degree. And we all have personal experiences with friends and family members whose marriages have ended, whose missions have been postponed, whose lives have been altered by this debilitating addiction. But I believe that there are many members of the church who don't really get why this is such a big deal. It's just porn, right? Slap them on the wrist, and they'll stop doing it, right? The truth is, pornography is Satan's last ditch effort to destroy this church, and right now, he's winning. But how does pornography destroy people and why is it so inherently harmful?

Pornography is inherently sexist and selfish. It portrays women as commodities to be bought and sold, used and very often abused at the hands of men. 80% of internet pornography is violent in nature. It portrays sex as an inherently selfish thing, that has very little to do with relationships or any emotion other than lust. This is in direct opposition with the Lord's view of women. The Lord created women to be the helpmeet (meet=equal)  for man. And He took her from Adam's side, not his foot, indicating a loving, peer relationship of interdependence. They are to be one flesh, in heart and mind and to put the happiness of the other before themselves. He gave woman incredible powers of doing good in every aspect of life. Satan wants men to think that women are good for only one thing = sex. And that men and women are so different that they can never have satisfying partnerships. Satan wants us to think that sex is inherently degrading and shameful, rather than empowering and inspiring, as it should be. These false philosophies can creep into the membership of the church and undermine the doctrines of gender equality in marriage and in church government. Men who use pornography do not respect women. Period. And their opinions and attitudes toward women will be shaped by it.

Viewing pornography is not compatible with holding the Priesthood. Priesthood holders have been asked to be the spiritual guardians of the home, constantly on the look out for the deceptions of Satan and the philosophies of men which creep into our lives. A man whose eyes and soul are darkened and clouded by the filth and evil of pornography cannot have the spiritual sensitivity to perform this priesthood role. D&C 121 teaches that the power of the priesthood CAN ONLY be exercised upon principles of righteousness. When the Spirit of the Lord is withdrawn because of unworthiness, then "Amen to the priesthood of that man." Any man who believes that he can view pornography and still be worthy to exercise the priesthood is making a mockery of that power and does not know its source. The holy priesthood of the order of the Son of God cannot be exercised by a man who fills his mind with depravity and filthy lies. He will not have the Spirit as his guide, and He will not have the desire for selfless service which is necessary in a priesthood holder.

Pornography destroys marriages. I have known a depressingly high number of porn addicts in my life and the recurring theme is, "I had no idea that the decisions I made at 12, 13, 14, 15 years old would affect my life/marriage this much." One of Satan's biggest lies about any sin is that it only affects us. That's not true of any sin, but especially those of a sexual nature. Everyone will eventually find out about it, and many more people than you could ever have imagined will be touched by it. The lying and selfishness inherent in a porn addict is naturally incompatible with a happy marriage. 56% of divorces in the U.S. cite pornography as  the reason behind the divorce. Fifty-six percent! Porn addicts are often emotionally withdrawn and partners of porn addicts often report feeling unsatisfied in their intimate life. Porn destroys a man's ability to connect intimately with his wife because it destroys the trust and respect that is necessary for true intimacy.

Utah has the highest rate of online porn subscriptions in the United States. That is a tragic, but very true fact. Most addicts do not get help until someone in their life demands it of them. Women in this church need to start demanding respect, virtue and integrity of their men. It is a very sad fact that most priesthood leaders in the church are not as strict with the brethren as they perhaps should be, for the simple fact that if they took the church privileges away from all of the men who were using porn, there wouldn't be enough priesthood leaders to run this church! 

The Lord expects better of us. We need to expect better of us. We need to better understand the doctrine of the sacredness of sexuality and why it was given to us and the purposes of procreation. We need to demand that the men of this church respect women as the Lord does. We need men of God.


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