Sharing the Good Word

Some people have expressed to me the view that my desire to lift up my voice and inspire change in the culture of the church and share my testimony in the hopes of correcting misconceptions is an unrighteous desire.  While I don't recommend anyone stand up in sacrament meeting and start lecturing the ward on any given topic, I believe it is a righteous desire that I share with other LDS feminists to try to improve those things which can be improved about our culture.

Sister Patricia Holland stated, "I believe we [sisters] know much more about our eternal nature than we think we do; and it is our sacred obligation to express our knowledge, to teach it to our young sisters and daughters, and in so doing to strengthen their faith and help them through the counterfeit confusions of these difficult latter days."

Beautifully put, Sister Holland. There is so much confusion and misinformation about the role of women in the church and in the world. If my words or my sharing of the words of the prophets can help any daughter of God better understand her eternal value and role in the kingdom, then I will be happy. If it better helps any man understand the importance of his sisters/mother/wife's role in the kingdom, then I will feel like my blog has done some good.

I, as an LDS feminist, am not trying to steady the ark, or steer the ship. I am, however, hoping that others who are confused or misled on these subjects can find some encouragement in the truths that I've found. I share them because they have encouraged and inspired me.


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