How To Tell If You're a Feminist In Two Easy Steps.

I don't usually love HuffPo, but I appreciated this considering how many people misunderstand the term feminist. It's really pretty simple. We really need to re-brand this term.


  1. so . . . I just found your blog and I have to say:

    You have to keep blogging! I blog over at confessions of a moderate mormon

    We need more moderate mormon feminist bloggers. I started because I didn't hear very many moderate voices in the online conversations.

    p.s. I almost didn't come to your blog because the title reminds me of 'a well behaved mormon woman' as in 'i'm one of the good mormons that behaves, not like those feminists over there'. imagine my surprise when it actually was mormon feminist!

  2. Yeah, the title was meant to be sort of tongue in cheek, since being a feminist can feel so VERY improper in LDS culture. Thanks for your comment! I'm checking out your blog now.


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