What Feminism is NOT About

A friend of mine sent me a link to this "feminist" blogger who single-handedly demonstrated exactly what feminism is NOT about, but what too many uninformed or misguided people think it is about. Read her horrific post HERE

I mean, can you even imagine what the world would look like if we all espoused her views? A picture of Mordor comes to mind, actually, but in reality there would be no world at all if no one valued life, love and nurturing. How sad and messed up. My response is below.

"Wooooooooooooowwwwww... I find this so extreme that it's hard for me to even take it seriously. It's almost like a parody of what a feminist would say. Let me ask you a question, if taking care of children and a home is so utterly unimportant, did you feel that way when you were the child being taken care of? Was that totally unimportant to have a loving, supportive caregiver to help you find your way in the world? Or maybe you didn't have that, in which case, I can somewhat understand why you undervalue it so. Any psychologist can tell you that THE most formative years of a human being's life are the very first few. Those first few months and years shape people to become what they will be. Those people who have not had proper care, love and interaction at that early stage are permanently scarred, some to the point that they are so psychologically damaged that they become sociopathic. Some even die from a lack of nurture, such as the orphans in Romania. It is clear that you have a very sad, skewed idea of what is important in this world and that you have entirely bought into the misogynistic, androcentric view that all that matters is money and power. How extremely anti-feminist of you.
The saddest thing to me about this horrible bit of writing is how much you are misrepresenting the feminist movement. This is exactly the crap people are thinking about when they say, "I'm not a feminist, but... blah, blah, blah I clearly am a feminist" You are the kind of person people don't want to associate themselves with when they avoid the use of that term."


  1. I saw this article the other day and it made me sick. I had to wonder if it was real because its frightening to me that someone could truly feel that way. I too wonder how she can overlook the fact that she wouldn't be here if someone hadn't brought her into this world and raised her, (none of us would be!) rendering the value she places on wealth and prestige utterly pointless.


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