"Why aren't the women included in this?"

I really like this post talking about Sister Cheiko Okazaki, the former 1st counselor in the RS presidency. It was amazingly validating to hear a member of the General RS share the frustrations of so many faithful LDS women regarding how valued and visible their role is in the church. The most insightful and surprising quote for me was, 

“I have to say that, in my sixty-four years in the Church, I sometimes see a little bit of a change that the women themselves prompt, but most of the time, I haven’t seen women who would make that change possible. Wherever I go, I think that they already know their place.” … “When women get the message that their job is to be supportive and just agree with the decisions of the bishop, they become clams.”

So moral of the story is that we need to speak up! As Ghandi said, "Be the change you want to see in the world." If you want strong, vocal, intelligent female leaders in the church, then be one! And offer suggestions to your leadership about how things could be improved!


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