The generally accepted cultural consensus of the church, at least in my experience, seems to be that women get to bear children, which is why they don't get the priesthood. Or, in other words, the Priesthood is the male equivalent to motherhood. My question then, if that is true, is why did the Father of us all, who with all of His incredible roles, power, knowledge and authority has asked for us to address Him as Father, seem to feel that fatherhood by itself was not equal to motherhood, and feel that men needed a little something extra to make it even? I don't think that's how it works. I don't believe that the only g odly power that women have been asked to exercise in this life is bearing children. Don't get me wrong, that is an incredible, spiritual power. But it is one that, if we solely focus on its physical nature, may also be exercised by prostitutes. Nor do I believe that the only source of godly power in a sealed couple is the Priesthood held by the m...