Ever since I was endowed I've tried to make sense of the sexism there and in the church. It sometimes appears benevolent, it sometimes appears only to be cultural, but once I was endowed, it became very obvious that there was a doctrinal source, somewhere. I feel like I've finally found it and I'm excited because it's actually the same source as the now-discarded racist "doctrine" that we used to spiritually disenfranchise our brothers and sisters of African decent. That was the now disavowed curse of Cain, and it is my opinion that the true source of all the sexism is the pseudo-doctrinal curse of Eve. The endowment sets up a clear pattern of women being saved from the fall through hearkening to their husband's counsel. She will then become a priestess, but only unto him, while he becomes a priest unto God. In a sense it exalts the husband to become the God that the wife will serve in the eternities. You can read more about this interpretation HERE ....